Northampton Historical Society Meeting
Monday February 25 2019
Northampton Town Hall
851 West Bath Road
Cuyahoga Falls OH

Doors open 5:30 for social time and business meeting. Program to start at 6:30 Refreshments Provided
All Are Welcome
There will be a short business meeting before the presentation.
Now That Winter is Upon Us, Let’s Think of Warmer Things

Jeanne Wunderle will present a look back at Cuyahoga Falls Waterworks Park. Jeanne has a lot of personal history with the park and has put together a very informative and entertaining program. You will probably identify with many of the pictures.
Also, if you haven’t purchased your NHS 50th Anniversary Cookbook, they will be available at the meeting. We may also have a one or two of the Remembrance Day pictures available, and if not, we’ll take orders for the next printing.
Our March and April meetings will be work sessions. We have a lot of artifacts, pictures, documents and what-nots that need attention. We will try to have projects that don’t require a lot a skill, just patience. This is a chance to see what goes on behind the scenes of a museum or historical society. Everyone is welcome.
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