Due to various issues we did not get out meeting notices for April and May. We’re sorry if you missed the meetings. Upcoming is the Barn Sale in September. There will be no September meeting. October to be announced. November is the required Annual Meeting and we don’t meet in December.
March 2023 Meeting Notice UPDATE
Northampton Historical Society Meeting
Monday March 20 2023
We’re going back Home
Old Northampton Town Hall
851 West Bath Road
Cuyahoga Falls OH
The Northampton Historical Society meeting will be Monday, the 20th in the
newly refurbished Old Northampton Town Hall. Doors open 5:30 for social time and a short business meeting before the presentation. Program to start at about 7:00 Refreshments Provided. All Are Welcome
Due to a scheduling mixup, our previously scheduled speaker, Kenneth Clarke, won’t be able to make it this month. We’ve chosen to present a video, The Sultana Disaster. This is a video presentation of a program given by author Gene Eric Salecker. The disaster occurred on the Mississippi River at the close of the American Civil War. Mr. Salecker will present the known facts and probable details in this well researched program. There is monument in the Cuyahoga Falls Oakwood Cemetery to those from the area who were lost in the event.
Gene Eric Salecker is the author of the book Disaster on the Mississippi: the Sultana Explosion. He has appeared on the History Channel and PBS.
Visit Us At: www.northamptonhistoricalsociety.com
or Northampton Historical Society on Facebook
March 2023 Meeting
Northampton Historical Society Meeting
Monday March 20 2023
We’re going back Home
Old Northampton Town Hall
851 West Bath Road
Cuyahoga Falls OH
The Northampton Historical Society meeting will be Monday, the 20th in the newly refurbished Old Northampton Town Hall. Doors open 5:30 for social time and a short business meeting before the presentation. Program to start at about 7:00 Refreshments Provided. All Are Welcome
For those of you who missed Kenneth Clarke’s earlier presentation at the Cuyahoga Falls Historical Society we’re providing another opportunity.
Kenneth Clarke is the 5th Great Grandson of Simeon and Katharine Prior. Simeon and Katharine, along with their family, founded Northampton Township, now Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. He is the author of Wolves and Flax
The Prior Family in the Cuyahoga Valley Wilderness. Wolves and Flax is based on the Prior Family Archive and other historical publications going back more than two centuries so he knows a lot of Northampton history.
Visit Us At: www.northamptonhistoricalsociety.com
or Northampton Historical Society on Facebook
February 2023 Meeting
Northampton Historical Society Meeting
Monday February 6 2023
Note: New Location for this meeting only
Cuyahoga Falls Natatorium
Hopewell Room
2345 Fourth St
Cuyahoga Falls OH
The Northampton Historical Society in conjunction with the
Cuyahoga Falls Historical Society will have a joint meeting on
Monday, Feb 6th at the Cuyahoga Falls Natatorium. Program to start
at about 7:00 All Are Welcome
Our speaker will be Alice Christie from Preservation Through
Progress. Alice will talk about the role PTP has played in preserving
Akron area historical buildings and landmarks. We will also talk a
little about the progress on the Keyser-Swain house.
Visit Us At: www.northamptonhistoricalsociety.com
or Northampton Historical Society on Facebook
and http://cuyahogavalleyterminal.org/
November 2022 Meeting
Northampton Historical Society Meeting
Monday October 21 2022
Note: New Location
Woodridge Middle School
4451 Quick Road
Cuyahoga Falls OH
The Northampton Historical Society meeting will be Monday, the 21st in the Library at the Woodridge Middle School. Doors open 5:30 for social time and the required annual business meeting will begin about 6:00 Refreshments Provided. All Are Welcome
Please plan to attend this meeting as your input is desired and there may also be issues that we will need to vote on. As an organization, our strength is in our members and the more participation the stronger we’ll be.
We apologize for not posting the September and October meetings. The webmaster had health issues and there is no one else but him to do it.
May 2022 Meeting
Monday May 23 2022
Note: New Location
Northampton Methodist Church
852 W. Bath Rd Cuyahoga Falls OH
The Northampton Historical Society meeting will be Monday, the 23rd at the Northampton Methodist Church. Doors open 5:30 for setup and social time and a short business meeting before the presentation. Program to start at about 7:00 Refreshments Provided. All Are Welcome
This month we’re going to continue to talk about some of the families in Northampton. Join us as Anita Young tells us more tales of her ancestors, which includes the Hardys, and maybe even present day relatives.
Visit Us At: www.northamptonhistoricalsociety.com
or Northampton Historical Society on Facebook
April 2022 Meeting
This meeting rescheduled for May 2022
March 2022 Meeting
Northampton Historical Society Meeting
Monday March 28 2022
Note: New Location
Northampton Methodist Church
852 W. Bath Rd
Cuyahoga Falls OH
The Northampton Historical Society meeting will be Monday, the 24th at the Northampton Methodist Church. Doors open 5:30 for setup and social time and a short business meeting before the presentation. Program to start at about 7:00 Refreshments Provided. All Are Welcome
Photo-documentarian Eilert Ofstead will our guest speaker. You may recognize his name from his series on the Keyser Farmstead. Eilert has captured the repair and rebuilding of several Northampton bridges and will share those images with us.
Masks are required for everyone!
Visit Us At: www.northamptonhistoricalsociety.com
or Northampton Historical Society on Facebook
February 2022
Northampton Historical Society Meeting
Monday February 28 2022
Note: New Location
Northampton Methodist Church
852 W. Bath Rd
Cuyahoga Falls OH
The Northampton Historical Society meeting will be Monday, the 28th at the Northampton Methodist Church. Doors open 5:30 for setup and social time and a short business meeting before the presentation. Program to start at about 7:00 Refreshments Provided. All Are Welcome
This is rescheduled from last month. We’ll take a look at the Keleman Point Farm on Akron-Penninsula Rd. Our speaker will be Mike Keleman who will tell us about the farm and it’s products, his vision for it, and the travails he’s endured in making it happen. He will also have for sale a sampling of what’s available at the Keleman Point Farm Market.
Masks are required for everyone!
Visit Us At: www.northamptonhistoricalsociety.com
or Northampton Historical Society on Facebook
January 2022 Meeting
Northampton Historical Society Meeting
Monday January 24 2022
Northampton Methodist Church
852 W. Bath Rd
Cuyahoga Falls OH
The Northampton Historical Society meeting will be Monday, the 24th at the Northampton Methodist Church. Doors open 5:30 for setup and social time and a short business meeting before the presentation. Program to start at about 7:00 Refreshments
Provided. All Are Welcome
This month we’ll take a look at the Keleman Point Farm on AkronPenninsula Rd. Our speaker will beMike Keleman who will tell us about the farm and it’s products, his visionfor it, and the travails he’s endured in making it happen. He will also have
for sale a sampling of what’s available at the Keleman Point Farm
Masks are required for everyone!
Visit Us At: www.northamptonhistoricalsociety.com
or Northampton Historical Society on Faceboo