June 2017 Outing

Finally, we have a June outing! As you know if you were at the meeting that we had tried to arrange a “super” outing for June, but alas that has fallen through. However in keeping with our focus on Northampton we will tour Mr. Fun’s. Most of you know of it but have never been there. We will not only see the inside, but will get the low down on how the business fared during the many ups and downs in the economy, the history of the business and of the building that it now occupies.
We want to mention that on Fri June 23rd and Sat the 24th they will have and “Indoor Yard Sale” as they need to reduce some of their inventory to make room for incoming merchandise. Although attending the Yard Sale will let you see the inside of the store before our visit, it would be a great opportunity to pick up on some neat stuff at a good price.
We have to change the order of things for this one. Lunch first, then the tour. We will have lunch at Emidio’s, corner of Bath and State at 11:30. Since it will be lunch time I would expect a little delay in getting our meals out. This is a link to their lunch menu http://www.emidioandsons.com/emidioa…/CF.Lunch_Specials.html
Our tour is set for June 26 1:00 at Mr. Funs, 4130 State Rd Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
Remember, if you have an NHS tee shirt, be sure to wear it.
If you could let us know if you’re planning to join us it

May 2017 Meeting

Northampton Historical Society Meeting
Monday May 22 2017

Note: New Location
Woodridge Middle School
Quick Road
Cuyahoga Falls OH

Doors open 5:30 for social time and business meeting at 6:00. Program to start at 6:30 Refreshments Provided All Are Welcome
There will be a short business meeting before the presentation. Don’t forget, with our 50th anniversary coming up, we will have important decisions during these meetings.

Please attend and get to know the new location.
Quick Rd; is located off of State Rd; or as some referr it as Old Eight. Woodridge School Campus is this most noticeable group of buildings on Quick Rd. The Middle School will be on the right side just after the Admin building as you drive North on Quick. Quick angles off State Rd to the left North of Steele’s Corner’s Road just past State 8.

The Town That Wasn’t, Was, and Isn’t: Botzum will be presented by Ken A Starcher, VP of the Society. We will look at the area that at various time went by the name of Yellow Creek Basin, Niles, Buckeye and Botzum. This is part of our on-going focus on the Township as we near our Golden Anniversary.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Upcoming Meetings and Programs
June is usually the time of our annual outing. We are still working out details and hope to announce the destination at our May meeting.

Visit Us At: www.northamptonhistoricalsociety.com
or Northampton Historical Society on Facebook
and http://cuyahogavalleyterminal.org/

April 2017 Meeting

Northampton Historical Society Meeting
Monday April 24 2017

Note: New Location
Woodridge Middle School
Quick Road
Cuyahoga Falls OH

Doors open 5:30 for social time and business meeting at 6:00. Program to start at 6:30 Refreshments Provided All Are Welcome
There will be a short business meeting before the presentation. Don’t forget, with our 50th anniversary coming up, we will have important decisions during these meetings.

Please attend and get to know the new location.
Quick Rd; is located off of State Rd; or as some referr it as Old Eight. Woodridge School Campus is this most noticeable group of buildings on Quick Rd. The Middle School will be on the right side just after the Admin building as you drive North on Quick. Quick angles off State Rd to the left North of Steele’s Corner’s Road just past State 8.

The story of David Zeisberger, a Moravian Missionary during the late 1700s, as he travelled the Cuyahoga Valley will be presented by Dr. Richard Hasler from the Tuscurawas Co Hist. Soc. Dr. Hasler received the Zeisberger-Heckewelder medal for his research.

Dr. Hasler received his B.A from Houghton College (N.Y.); Princeton Theological Seminary, M.Div.; Univ. of Pennsylvania, M.A. (American History); and Hartford Seminary Foundation, Ph.D (Church History)

* * * * * * * * * * * *
Upcoming Meetings and Programs
May: The Town That Never Was and the Town That Was and Isn’t: Niles and Botzum.

Visit Us At: www.northamptonhistoricalsociety.com
or Northampton Historical Society on Facebook
and http://cuyahogavalleyterminal.org/

March 2017 Meeting

Northampton Historical Society Meeting
Monday March 27 2017

Note: New Location
Woodridge Middle School
Quick Road
Cuyahoga Falls OH

Doors open 5:30 for social time and business meeting at 6:00. Program to start at 6:30 Refreshments Provided All Are Welcome
There will be a short business meeting before the presentation. Don’t forget, with our 50th anniversary coming up, we will have important decisions during these meetings.

Please attend and get to know the new location.
Quick Rd; is located off of State Rd; or as some referr it as Old Eight. Woodridge School Campus is this most noticeable group of buildings on Quick Rd. The Middle School will be on the right side just after the Admin building as you drive North on Quick. Quick angles off State Rd to the left North of Steele’s Corner’s Road just past State 8.

Our very own Emory Prior, a descendant of the Township’s founding father, Simeon Prior, will continue the story of the Priors that our President Dave Brown started several months ago. Emory has been researching the family for quite a few years and one meeting may not be enough time for him to tell the story.

* * * * * * * * * * * *
Upcoming Meetings and Programs
April: Richard A. Hasler will present a program on David Zeisberger, the Moravian Missonary, along the Cuyahoga River.

Visit Us At: www.northamptonhistoricalsociety.com
or Northampton Historical Society on Facebook
and http://cuyahogavalleyterminal.org/

February 2017 Meeting

Our next meeting – which will be on Monday, Feb. 27, 2017,
at the Woodridge Middle School (LIBRARY) 4451 Quick Rd; CFO. Meeting will start at 5:30pm with social/business
hour.  Program at 6:30PM. Instead of a program – we will focus on display & reviewing items relating NHS 50 years of collections. This will involve a ‘group activity’ (members) reviewing items for NHS archives. Refreshments will be provided.

The (P.O Box) address is listed as Peninsula, Ohio 44264, but the Woodridge Middle School is located in Cuyahoga Falls, the old Township area. The library is located in the center of the building with restrooms nearby before the library. Quick Rd; is located off of State Rd; or as some referr it as Old Eight. Woodridge School Campus is this most noticeable group of buildings on Quick Rd. The Middle School will be on the right side just after the Admin building as you drive North on Quick. Quick angles off State Rd to the left North of Steele’s Corner’s Road just past State 8.

January 2017 Meeting

At last November’s (2016) Annual NHS Annual Meeting, members who attended voted on finding a new location for the NHA to hold our programs at a better facicilty with ADA needs, rent free and still in the old Township area. Ken and Dave met with officals at the Woodridge School District and made arrangements to use the Woodridge Middle School (Library). Woodridge Middle School is located at 4451 Quick Rd. The (P.O Box) address is listed as Peninsula, Ohio 44264, but the Woodridge Middle School is located in Cuyahoga Falls, the old Township area. The library is located in the center of the building with restrooms nearby before the library. We will be allowed to sevre refreshments. So, its back to school and feel young again!. Please attend and get to know the new location.
Quick Rd; is located off of State Rd; or as some referr it as Old Eight. Woodridge School Campus is this most noticeable group of buildings on Quick Rd. The Middle School will be on the right side just after the Admin building as you drive North on Quick. Quick angles off State Rd to the left North of Steele’s Corner’s Road just past State 8.

The date still remains the same for the 4th Mon.(monthy, except May/Nov. on the 3rd Mon). The program for Monday, January 23, 2017 meeting will be presented by Ken Starcher (NHS Vice President) will provide a review of all of the interesting NHS publications over the last 50th years of the NHS. A short business meeting will begin around 6:00pm. Also, an event(s)for our 50th Anniversary needs to be planned now and members involved.

November 2016 Meeting

The “Annual Membership Meeeting” of the Northampton Historical Society (NHS)will be on Monday, NOVEMBER 14, 2016!1 at the Old Northampton Town Hall, 851 West Bath Road in Cuyahoga
Falls. Meeting will start at 5:30PM; with a short social time and business review.

Refreshments will be provided. Meeting is moved-up from the 4th Mon. due to Thanksgiving week.

All members past and present should attend!!. There are very vital issues that will be presented
to enable the NHS to move forward into an exciting future.

We all have a shared responsibility to keep the lagacy of the “Founding Members” alive when they planned and establihed the NHS in 1967. They established the NHS for future ‘members’ to preserve, protect and promote our local history, and, allow future generations to learn and enjoy that history.

September of 2017 will be the 50th Anniversary – ‘hallmark year’ for the NHS. Many accomplishments and extreme hardships such as the loss of Adam House and Center School House occurred throughtout the years. However, the previous members always moved forward into the future. The 50th year will have many challenges ahead – but lets include alot of fun & positive accomplishments.


See you at the meeting,
David Brown, NHS President

October 2016 Meeting

Northampton Historical Society Meeting
Monday October 24 2016

Old Northampton Town Hall
851 West Bath Road
Cuyahoga Falls OH

Doors open 5:30 for social time and business meeting. Program to start at 6:30 Refreshments Provided All Are Welcome
There will be a short business meeting before the presentation.

Our own Dave Brown, President, will tell us about his trip to Northampton, MA. Simeon Prior, the first settler in our own Northampton came from there and hence the name of the township. Join us as Dave recounts some of his discoveries and shares his insights.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Upcoming Meetings and Programs
Nov- There is no program for this month. This is our annual business meeting and we have a full agenda!
Dec- No meeting

Visit Us At: www.northamptonhistoricalsociety.com
or Northampton Historical Society on Facebook
and http://cuyahogavalleyterminal.org/

September 2016 Meeting

Northampton Historical Society Meeting
Monday September 26 2016

Please note location!
Keyser Barn at Keyser Farm Park
851 West Bath Road
Cuyahoga Falls OH

Doors open 4:00 for social time and tour of the barn. A business meeting will follow. Since the park closes at dusk, which will be a little after 7:00, the program will start at 6:00 Refreshments Provided
All Are Welcome

Ted Dudre will return as General Alvin C. Voris
General Alvin Coe Voris was the highest ranking officer to come out of Summit County during the Civil War. One of his first post-war acts was giving a speech at the dedication of the Civil War monument in Cuyahoga Falls on Oct. 26, 1866.

A retired Plain Local Schools science teacher, Dudra is spending his time with numerous historical organizations. He reenacts for four different wars: the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Civil War and World War II. He’s an active with Company G, 29th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Historical Association (Civil War) and Fort Laurens in Bolivar, Ohio (Revolutionary War).

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Upcoming Meetings and Programs
Oct – David Brown, our President, will share with us his trip to Northampton, MA
Nov- There is no program for this month. This is our annual business meeting and we have a full agenda!

Visit Us At: www.northamptonhistoricalsociety.com
or Northampton Historical Society on Facebook
and http://cuyahogavalleyterminal.org/

June 2016 Outing

The NHS will continue with its June outing visit to another historical society museum.
The visit will be at the: Portage County Historical Society museum located at, 6549 North Chestnut Street in Ravenna Ohio, on Monday, June 27, 2016, Members should meet at the Cuyahoga Falls Public Library parking lot – AT 10:00AM,
We are scheduled to meet at the museum around 10:30 – 10:45AM. We will have lunch at a nearby restaurant.
Dreama, always enjoyed these outings – she will be missed. Members may drive to the location.